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The Holy Rosary for Purity of Body, Mind
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    The Holy Rosary for Purity of Body, Mind

    Price: $11.98

    Author: Beckman, Kathleen

    Order Number: 3732

    ISBN: 1579183964

    Product Description

    The Holy Rosary for Purity of Body and Spirit was designed to invoke Mary, the most pure virgin of virgins to pray with us for the victory over human weaknesses. Mary who destroys the head of the serpent will certainly bring us to victory in Her Son, Jesus Christ. The book highlights the holistic approach to prayer as we contemplate each mystery. Because of the urgency and timelines of the work, I hope it will reach far and wide.
    Most Reverend Dominic M. Luong, D.D., M.S., author's Bishop, Diocese of Orange, CA

    Kathleen Beckman has taken one of the most powerful sacramentals, the Holy Rosary, and focused it deeply into the area where current evil has become most powerful. The shift in our society from Godly purity as Mary lived it, to the bondage of false freedom causes people to engage the mind, body and spirit into violations against human dignity. The current attitude reigns that, "if it's emotionally satisfying - do it." This attitude defies the reverence and respect for the body as the sacred temple of the Holy Spirit. Anyone faithful to the contemplative prayer outlined here will experience deep freedom from the erotic self. This is a magnificent work!
    Dr. Margarett A. Schlientz, Masters Degrees in Theology, Spirituality, Doctorate in Psychiatric Nursing, Healing and Deliverance Conference Chair, Mundelein Seminary, Asst. Dir. Of the Institute for Priestly Formation (IPF), Creighton University

    Praying to our most pure mother in times of temptation can now be done in a deeper way by using the reflections provided by Kathleen Beckman. With the amount of sexual sin present in our society, this work is much needed.
    Fr. Stephen Doktorczyk, JCL, Graduate, Gregorian University Rome, Diocese of Orange Judicial Tribunal, Parochial Vicar, St. Joachim's Parish, CA

    As Kathleen Beckman so accurately observes, when we want to free ourselves from sin, we also need to be attracted to the opposing virtue. The beautiful meditations that she has given in this booklet will help anyone who is praying for themselves or for others to overcome sexual sin by coming to love the virtue of purity through the powerful intercession of Our Blessed Mother.
    Father Charles Cortinovois, STL, JD, Graduate, Angelicum University Rome, Parochial Vicar, St. Raphael Parish, MD