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The Gift of the Eternal Father
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    The Gift of the Eternal Father

    Prophetic Encounters of the Father's Mercy & Prayers

    Price: $3.00

    Author: Beckman, Kathleen

    Order Number: 3617

    ISBN: 1579182739

    Product Description

    SALE!  WAS $9.95. NOW. $3.00

    In these revelations of the Eternal Father given unto Kathleen Beckman is found a beautiful fulfillment of the prayer of St. Paul for the church at Ephesus: "that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. May the eyes of your hearts be enlightened." (Eph. 1:17-18)
    May your hearts be permeated with a profound gratitude for the revelation in these pages of heavenly testament of the Eternal Father's love for the Son, for all His children. And may His holy ones cry out through the Spirit of adoption, Abba! Father!
    As we say the Our Father prayer that Jesus taught, we implore the Father to DELIVER US FROM EVIL. The Father delivered us from evil through the passion, death and resurrection of His Son who is victorious over the evil one on Calvary. Yet, daily we battle against powers and principalities of darkness that wage war against God's children. In this book we hear the majestic voice of the Father speaking directly of His Son's victory over all evil. Now we can better understand the Father's perspective of the Incarnation, Salvation and Sanctification of His prodigal children. In the same prayer we implore the Father to GIVE US OUR DAILY BREAD and in this book we see how the Father answers our prayer in the giving of His only begotten Son to remain with us in the Eucharist. Foreword by Fr. John Hampsch, CMF, Highly recommended by Bishop Dominic Luong, D.D., M.S., Aux Bishop of Orange, CA, Fr. Raymond Skonezny, STL, SSL, Fr. Joseph Droessler, Fr. Michael Philen, CMF.
