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Spiritual Direction & Spiritual Directors
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    Spiritual Direction & Spiritual Directors

    Price: $3.00

    Author: Kozlowski, Joseph Paul

    Order Number: 3551

    ISBN: 1882972856

    Number of Pages: 392

    Product Description

    SALE!   WAS $12.95. NOW. $3.00

    Gain excellent spiritual advice from this helpful handbook. Spiritual Direction and Spiritual Directors is a collection of teachings from four spiritual masters who have a world-wide reputation in spiritual development. Two of them, St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross have received the highest spiritual ecclesiastical, academic accolades which the Church could bestow upon them, that is, Doctors of Mystical Theology. From life's most challenging situations to questions of faith and God, spiritual seekers will find practical and prayerful advice in Spiritual Direction and Spiritual Directors. 

    Words of Wisdom from Spiritual Direction and Spiritual Directors:

    On Love

    "The smallest thing when done for the love of God is priceless."

    -St. Teresa of Avila

    On Suffering

    "He who knows how to suffer will enjoy much peace."

    -Thomas a Kempis

    On the Soul

    "Every soul has a will capable of loving God."

    -St. Francis de Sales

    On Imagination

    "The imagination plays a great role in the spiritual development of the soul."

    -St. John of the Cross