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God of Restoration
    Close God of Restoration

    God of Restoration

    Price: $0.50

    Order Number: 1611A

    Product Description

    I Will Restore You

    I, the Lord, Your God, will restore you by the Power of the Most Holy Spirit, renewing the face of the earth with the freshness of a new springtime. In fulfillment of the words prayed to the Father, "Thy Will Be Done on Earth As It Is In Heaven," I will restore your faith in My Eucharistic Love. I will restore your Hope in the Victory that I have secured for you. I will restore your Love in the knowledge that the Eternal Father's Divine Providence is over you. Pray in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, spouse of the Holy Spirit, that your restoration will be complete."

    O Lord of Hosts, restore us; if Your face shine upon us; then we shall be safe. Psalm 80:4