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The Gold Book Of Prayers
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    The Gold Book Of Prayers

    Price: $14.00

    Order Number: 7709

    ISBN: 1579181368

    Number of Pages: 120

    Book Format:

    Product Description

    An all-time best-selling treasury of contemporary and traditional prayers including a beautiful Scriptural Rosary, Jesus Rosary, litanies, and Seven Sorrows Chaplet. "The Gold Book of Prayer" is excellent for prayer groups or individual use.
    We all must understand that we have to pray. Prayer is not a trifle. Prayer is a dialogue with God. We must hear the voice of God in every prayer. It is not possible to live without prayer. Prayer is life.
    Prayer means understanding God. Prayer is for knowing happiness. Prayer is for learning to cry. Prayer is for learning to blossom. Prayer is a dialogue with God. Pray every day.

    Nihil Obstat & Imprimatur
